"There is no single faculty called ‘curiosity’; every normal organ of sense and of motor activity is on the qui vive. It wants a chance to be active, and it needs some object in order to act. The sum total of these outgoing tendencies constitutes curiosity." (John Dewey in How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the Educative Process, 1933, p. 37)
A set of shoebox-sized "provocations" created by invitation for a presentation by Susanna Hapgood, Jeff Kupperman, Aviva Dorfman, Suzy Knezek, and Remi Holden at the Conference on Creativity, Play, and the Imagination Across Disciplines, Teachers College, Columbia University, May 28, 2011. Contact: susanna [dot] hapgood [at] utoledo [dot] edu.